Download Minikube For Mac

How to Install Kubernetes on Mac. This is a step-by-step guide to installing and running Kubernetes on your Mac so that you can develop applications locally. You will be guided through running and accessing a Kubernetes cluster on your local machine using the following tools: Homebrew; Docker for Mac; Minikube; virtualbox; kubectl. The minikube start command will download VM image and configure the Kubernetes single node cluster for you. Top Security Tips for New Mac Users. More information on metalink downloads is available from If you have newer archives or archives for platforms not already present in this table, we'd like to add them to this table with a pointer to your location.

  1. Install Minikube On Windows 10
  2. Minikube Mac Os
  3. Minikube Windows 10
  4. Install Minikube On Mac
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curl 7.73.0, Released on the 14th of October 2020. Changelog for 7.73.0.

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Chrome NaCl
Mac OS X
Midnight BSD
Open Server
Tru64 UNIX
AIX 5.1
AIX 5.1
AIX 5.3 7.73.0binaryMichael Felt
AIX 6.1 7.71.1binaryAIX Toolbox
AIX 6.1 7.71.1develAIX Toolbox
AmigaOS m68k7.14.0binaryDiego Casorran
AmigaOS 4 PPC7.65.3binaryMichael Trebilcock
AmigaOS 4 PPC7.65.3libcurlMichael Trebilcock
BeOS 7.12.3binaryMarcin Konicki
Chrome NaCl
Chrome NaCl 7.44.0binarywebports
DOS 7.72.0binaryMichael Kostylev
FreeBSD 7.73.0source
Haiku 7.70.0source
HPUX 11.00
HPUX 11.11
HPUX 11.23
Hurd - Arch
Hurd Arch 7.60.0binaryArch Hurd
Hurd Arch 7.60.0sourceArch Hurd
IRIX 6.5 7.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux i3867.30.0binaryErmine
Linux MIPSel7.17.1binary
Linux MIPSel7.10.7binaryMaciej W. Rozycki
Linux StrongARM7.9.7binaryDominik Radziszowski
Linux - Alpine
Linux Alpine 7.73.0sourceAlpine Linux
Linux - Alt
Linux Alt 7.73.0binary
Linux Alt 7.73.0devel
Linux Alt 7.73.0libcurl
Linux Alt 7.73.0source
Linux - Arch
Linux Arch StrongARM7.73.0binaryArch Linux
Linux Arch x86_647.73.0binaryArch Linux
Linux - Clear
Linux Clear 7.73.0binaryClear Linux
Linux - Core OS
Linux Core OS alpha 7.66.0binaryCore OS
Linux Core OS beta 7.66.0binaryCore OS
Linux Core OS stable 7.66.0binaryCore OS
Linux - CRUX
Linux CRUX 3.5 7.73.0sourceJohannes Winkelmann
Linux - Debian
Linux Debian 7.72.0binaryDebian
Linux Debian 7.72.0develDebian
Linux Debian 7.72.0develDebian
Linux Debian 7.72.0libcurlDebian
Linux Debian 7.38.0libcurlDebian
Linux - Docker
Linux Docker 7.73.0binaryJames Fuller
Linux - Fedora
Linux Fedora 31
Linux Fedora rawhide
Linux Fedora 13 i3867.70.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 14 i3867.70.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 15 i3867.70.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 16 i3867.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 17 i3867.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 18 i3867.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 19 i3867.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 20 i3867.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 26 i3867.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora RHEL6 i3867.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora RHEL7 i3867.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 25
Linux Fedora 30
Linux Fedora 13 x86_647.70.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 14 x86_647.70.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 15 x86_647.70.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 16 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 20 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 21 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 26 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 32 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora 33 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora RHEL6 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora RHEL7 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Fedora RHEL8 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux - Frugalware
Linux Frugalware 7.73.0binary
Linux - Gentoo
Linux Gentoo 7.73.0source
Linux - GoboLinux
Linux GoboLinux 7.68.0devel
Linux - Guix
Linux Guix ARM7.71.0
Linux Guix i3867.71.0
Linux Guix x86_647.71.0
Linux - Linux From Scratch
Linux Linux From Scratch 7.73.0source
Linux - Maemo
Linux Maemo 3.2 7.15.5binary
Linux Maemo 3.2 7.15.5libcurl
Linux Maemo 4.0 7.15.5libcurl
Linux Maemo 4.1 7.15.5libcurl
Linux Maemo 5.0 7.18.2libcurl
Linux - Mageia
Linux Mageia ARM7.73.0binaryMageia
Linux Mageia ARM647.73.0binaryMageia
Linux Mageia i3867.73.0binaryMageia
Linux Mageia x86_647.73.0binaryMageia
Linux - NixOS
Linux NixOS 7.72.0sourceNixOS
Linux NixOS i3867.54.1binaryNixOS
Linux NixOS x86_647.72.0binaryNixOS
Linux - OpenEmbedded
Linux OpenEmbedded 7.73.0source
Linux - OpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT 8.09.2 ARM7.17.1binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT ARM647.50.0binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT AT917.50.0binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT 10.03 AVR327.19.6binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT 8.09.1 i3867.17.1binaryOpenWRT
Linux OpenWRT 8.09.1 MIPSel7.17.1binaryOpenWRT
Linux - PLD
Linux PLD 7.73.0source
Linux PLD Alpha7.16.1binary
Linux PLD Alpha7.16.1devel
Linux PLD i3867.16.1binary
Linux PLD i3867.16.1devel
Linux PLD PPC7.16.1binary
Linux PLD PPC7.16.1devel
Linux PLD Sparc7.16.1binary
Linux PLD Sparc7.16.1devel
Linux PLD x86_647.16.1binary
Linux - Redhat
Linux Redhat RHEL4 7.12.1sourceRed Hat
Linux Redhat RHEL5 7.15.5sourceRed Hat
Linux Redhat RHEL6 7.19.7sourceRed Hat
Linux Redhat RHEL7 7.29.0sourceCentOS
Linux Redhat RHEL8 7.61.1sourceCentOS
Linux Redhat 7.1 i3867.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat 7.2 i3867.23.0binaryDan Fandrich
Linux Redhat 7.2 i3867.23.0develDan Fandrich
Linux Redhat 7.2 i3867.23.0libcurlDan Fandrich
Linux Redhat 7.2 i3867.23.0sourceDan Fandrich
Linux Redhat 9 i3867.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL2.1 i3867.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL3 i3867.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL6 i3867.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Redhat RHEL3 x86_647.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL4 x86_647.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Linux Redhat RHEL6 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Redhat RHEL7 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux Redhat RHEL8 x86_647.73.0binaryPaul Howarth
Linux - Slackware
Linux Slackware ARM7.73.0binaryARMedslack
Linux Slackware i3867.73.0binarySlackware
Linux Slackware PPC7.16.2binarySlackintosh
Linux Slackware S3907.12.2binarySlack/390 Project
Linux Slackware Sparc7.12.2binarySplack
Linux Slackware x86_647.73.0binarySlackware
Linux - SliTaz
Linux SliTaz 7.72.0sourceSliTaz
Linux - Source Mage
Linux Source Mage
Linux - Suse
Linux Suse i3867.73.0binaryopenSUSE
Linux Suse i3867.73.0developenSUSE
Linux Suse i3867.73.0libcurlopenSUSE
Linux Suse x86_647.73.0binaryopenSUSE
Linux - T2
Linux T2 7.72.0sourceT2
Linux - Tizen
Linux Tizen 2.4 7.40.1sourceTizen
Linux Tizen 2.3 ARM7.28.1binaryTizen
Linux - Ubuntu
Linux Ubuntu bionic 7.58.0binary
Linux Ubuntu focal 7.68.0binary
Linux Ubuntu groovy 7.68.0binary
Linux Ubuntu xenial 7.47.0binary
Linux - Unslung
Linux Unslung 7.17.1binaryPierre Kretschmer
Linux - Ångström
Linux Ångström ARM7.26.0binaryÅngström
Linux Ångström i3867.26.0binaryÅngström
Linux Ångström PPC7.24.0binaryÅngström
Mac OS X
Mac OS X 7.73.0sourceMacPorts
Mac OS X 7.73.0sourceHomebrew
Mac OS X 7.71.1sourceDaniel Johnson
Mac OS X 7.54.0sourceApple
Mac OS X PPC7.31.0develDaniel Johnson
Mac OS X PPC7.31.0libcurlDaniel Johnson
Mac OS X PPC7.28.0binaryDaniel Johnson
Midnight BSD
Midnight BSD 7.66.0binaryMidnight BSD
Minix 7.50.3sourceMinix
MiNT 7.20.1binary
NetBSD 7.73.0source
NetWare 7.40.0binaryGünter Knauf
NetWare 7.40.0binaryGünter Knauf
NetWare 7.40.0develGünter Knauf
Open Server
Open Server 5
Open Server 5 7.14.1binaryBrian K. White
OpenBSD 7.73.0sourceChristian Weisgerber
OS/2 7.36.0binaryPaul Smedley
Plan9 7.28.1source9front
QNX 6 7.10.7binary
QNX 6.3 7.19.2binaryQOpenCD
QNX 6.5 7.21.7binaryQNX pkgsrc
RISC OS 7.11.0binaryJames Bursa
SailfishOS 7.68.0Niel Nielsen
Solaris i3867.73.0binaryOpenCSW
Solaris i3867.73.0libcurlOpenCSW
Solaris Sparc7.73.0binaryOpenCSW
Solaris Sparc7.73.0libcurlOpenCSW
Solaris Sparc647.73.0binaryOpenCSW
Solaris Sparc647.73.0libcurlOpenCSW
Solaris x86_647.73.0binaryOpenCSW
Solaris x86_647.73.0libcurlOpenCSW
Solaris - Illumos
Solaris Illumos 7.73.0binaryIllumos
Solaris - OpenIndiana
Solaris OpenIndiana 7.73.0OpenIndiana
Tru64 UNIX
Tru64 UNIX 4.0D 7.15.1binaryThe Written Word
Tru64 UNIX 5.1 7.15.1binaryThe Written Word
VMS 8.3 Alpha7.73.0binaryJohn E. Malmberg
VMS 8.4 Alpha7.73.0binaryJohn E. Malmberg
VMS 8.4 ia647.73.0binaryJohn E. Malmberg
VMS 7.3 VAX7.73.0binaryJohn E. Malmberg
Windows 32 bit
Windows 32 bit 7.73.0binarythe curl project
Windows 32 bit 7.73.0binaryChocolatey
Windows 32 bit 7.73.0binaryDirk Paehl
Windows 32 bit 7.73.0binaryViktor Szakats
Windows 32 bit 7.73.0libcurlVcpkg
Windows 32 bit 7.64.1binaryStefan Kanthak
Windows 32 bit - cygwin
Windows 32 bit cygwin 7.73.0binaryCygwin
Windows 32 bit cygwin 7.73.0libcurlCygwin
Windows 64 bit
Windows 64 bit 7.73.0binarythe curl project
Windows 64 bit 7.73.0binaryChocolatey
Windows 64 bit 7.73.0binaryDirk Paehl
Windows 64 bit 7.73.0binaryViktor Szakats
Windows 64 bit 7.73.0libcurlVcpkg
Windows 64 bit 7.64.1binaryStefan Kanthak
Windows 64 bit - cygwin
Windows 64 bit cygwin 7.73.0binaryCygwin
Windows 64 bit cygwin 7.73.0libcurlCygwin
This colour means the packaged version is the latest stable version available (7.73.0)!

More information on downloads is available from

If you have newer archives or archives for platforms not already present in this table, we'd like to add them to this table with a pointer to your location. Mail curl-release and tell us!

Official curl docker images

The official curl docker images are available on Docker Hub: curlimages/curl.

This document outlines the steps you can take to get your local installationof Kubeflow running on top of Minikube. Minikube runs a simple, single-nodeKubernetes cluster inside a virtual machine (VM).

By the end of this document, you’ll have a local installation of Minikube kubernetes cluster along with all the default core components ofKubeflow deployed as services in the pods. You should be able to access Jupyter notebooks and the Kubeflow Dashboard.


  • Laptop, Desktop or a Workstation
    • >= 12GB RAM
    • >= 8 CPU Cores
    • ~100GB or more Disk Capacity
    • Optional: GPU card
  • Mac OS X or Linux (Ubuntu/RedHat/CentOS)
  • sudo or admin access on the local machine
  • Access to an Internet connection with reasonable bandwidth
  • A hypervisor such as VirtualBox, Vmware Fusion, KVM etc.

If you already have a hypervisor on your system, you can follow the Quick Setup to do a guided Minikube setup.

Install a Hypervisor

If you do not already have a hypervisor or a virtualizer installed, install a new one. Once the hypervisor is installed, you don’t need to start or use it directly. Minikube will automatically invoke the hypervisor to start the VM.

Mac OS X

Install Virtual Box or VMware Fusion.


Install Virtual Box or KVM.

The KVM2 driver is intended to replace KVM driver. The KVM2 driver is maintained by the minikube team, and is built, tested and released with minikube.For installing KVM:

Then install the driver itself:


Install Virtual Box or KVM.

Minikube update

For installing KVM:

Then install the driver itself:

Install Minikube On Windows 10

Quick Setup

The following describes a script driven installation that you can use to deploy allthe necessary components including kubectl, minikube, kfctl along with Kubeflow itself. The script requires input from you on some configuration information and then it drives the rest of the installation. Run the following to start the installation:

KUBEFLOW_TAG is a tag corresponding to the version to checkout such as v0.4.1 or master.

The script asks for some config input as shown below:

Let us consider the example for CPUs configuration. When it asks Assign CPUs between 3..10 [6]: the 3..10 suggest the range of CPU cores available based on your host machine. [6] is the suggested default. You can choose any value within the range and enter the value or just press enter to accept the default value suggested in square brackets. In the image above, we choose the default 6 for CPUs and specified 12GB of memory explicitly. Note that:

  1. You will need to specify the virtualizer installed on the system explicitly and it needs to be one of the values provided as options.
  2. If you don’t want to mount any local directory into the Jupyter notebook server simply press enter instead of specifying any path.

After the configuration is complete, the script will continue execution for the next few minutes and when finished successfully should output some like:

When the installation finishes successfully, you can access Jupyter notebooks as described in Where to go next. If you have trouble with the installation script or run into errors, you can follow the detailed installation steps manually as described below.

Install Kubectl

Minikube Mac Os

GCloud SDK
Mac OS X

Verify kubectl installed

Try running

This should output something like

Install & Start Minikube

Please see detailed instructions for Minikube installation.For quick setup instructions follow along below.

Mac OS X


Ubuntu or CentOS
Start your minikube cluster

This takes a couple minutes as it will talk to the hypervisor and create a VM with the specified configuration.


  1. These are the minimum recommended settings on the VM created by minikube for kubeflow deployment. You are free to adjust them higher based on your host machinecapabilities and workload requirements.
  2. Using certain hypervisors might require you to set –vm-driver option specifying the driveryou want to use.

In case, you have the default minikube VM already created (following detailed installation instructions), please use the following to update the VM.

Installing Kubeflow using kfctl

The following steps will deploy Kubeflow components and start them on the Minikube you created above.

Minikube windows 10
  1. Download Kubeflow source

    • KUBEFLOW_SRC directory where you want kubeflow source to be downloaded
    • KUBEFLOW_TAG is a tag corresponding to the version to checkout such as v0.4.1
  2. Run the following to setup and deploy Kubeflow:

    • KFAPP the name of a directory where you want kubeflow configurations to be stored. This directory will be created when you run init. Please see understanding the deployment process for more details.

The above installation may take a few minutes. At the end of the installation you should see:

Install minikube on mac

Where to go next

Minikube Windows 10

Now you can access the Kubeflow dashboard at http://localhost:8080/ and Jupyternotebooks at http://localhost:8080/notebooks/.

For Jupyter notebooks, you can use any username and password to log in.Follow the guide to setting up your Jupyter notebooks on Kubeflow.

For further exploration refer to the documentation.

Download Minikube For Mac


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Install Minikube On Mac

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Last modified 19.04.2019: Refactored and significantly updated the Jupyter notebooks docs (#633) (4e1d8ab)